"Do Not Mail" list. To delete, select the contact, click the checkbox, and click "Delete" to remove it permanently." name="description">


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How do I manually remove or “unsubscribe” contacts from my account?

If someone sends you an unsubscribe request directly, or you wish to remove a contact from your mailing list:

1. Locate and select the contact

Select Contact

2. Click Move to and select the Do Not Mail List from the drop down and confirm.

Suppress by moving to Do-Not-Mail List

It is recommended that you remove a contact by adding them to the "Do Not Mail" list. This will ensure that you will not accidentally add this contact and send them an email in the future.

However, to entirely DELETE a contact from your account, locate the contact, then select by clicking the checkbox and finaliy click "Delete" to remove contact permanently from your account.

Permanently Delete A Contact

Delete Contact Confirmation