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How to read / understand campaign stats?

Email Campaign Performance

  • Sent: 8366 " The total number of emails sent in the campaign.
  • Opened: 1453 " The number of recipients who opened the email (17% of the total).
  • Unopened: 6913 " The number of recipients who did not open the email (83% of the total).
  • Clicks: 3 " The number of recipients who clicked on links within the email.
  • Forwards: 0 " The number of recipients who forwarded the email to others.
  • Unsubscribes: 2 " The number of recipients who unsubscribed from the mailing list.
  • Bounces: 0 " The number of emails that failed to deliver (bounced).
  • Complaints: 0 " The number of recipients who marked the email as spam or complained.

The pie chart visually represents the open (yellow) vs. unopened (blue) rates.